Feb 16, 2009

Father and Son Bonding

It looks like a post-Valentine's day celebration but it's not. My daughter needs to buy this corporate look attire for their Career Day and after going to mass, we all went to this well known department store. I thought this will just be an ordinary spur of the moment shopping but it turned out to be more (I mean bonding time). After eating our brunch and knowing that the two gentlemen with me (my husband and son) will get bored with this ladies stuff we agreed to split into two, dad and son then mom and daughter. Later on, the group became, mom-daughter-son with dad doing his own stuff. And guess where we found him??? In the basketball arena of the mall, watching those shooters trying to beat the clock..

Now, this is the moment that we enjoyed.. My husband tried the game with my son and luckily I was able to shoot some pics of them.

The best shooting angle for my husband is on the right corner.

Now it's my son's turn, (from above left clockwise) : looking at the goal, dribbling the ball, aiming, aiming and goooooo and the jump.
We are all cheering for my son.. hehehehe
Additional photo of our post celeb.
(Left) Rose cheering (Right) Nak you will definitely not fit inside that jar, try looking for a bigger one..hehehe
Our new basketball player, too tired to smile??

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