Feb 15, 2009

Heart's Day

Yesterday is Valentine's Day, and lovers all over the world had celebrated this day with their loved ones. Me, had celebrated it with my husband and kids. Our initial plan of an out of town trip didn't push-thru since my son wanted to go on malling instead . Well, since we also need to buy his suit for their turn-over party (imagine there's also a party for grades 5 and 6 , sort of junior-senior prom?) we all went to the mall. And wow, the place were packed with families (and lovers of course) who's celebrating the same as we are. As expected my two angels enjoyed the day and bought things they wanted (should be within the budget of course, hehehehe). With no place in mind to take our lunch we ended up in Giligan's. By mid-day my son (seems like he's the boss on that day) ask us to go home.

Ohh, before I forgot here's what I got this Valentine's Day from my husband..
A pair of gold earrings and my favorite chocolate bar, Toblerone.

My daughter, Rose also received a gold earrings from her dad.. Isn't he's sweet??? hehehehe.

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